Celebrating 20 Years of service in NYC

The genius of Joseph H. Pilates method lies in the Framework. Pilates emphasizes intentional action with acute observation. This creates a clever mindset that is adaptive - ready for action.
— Daisy Sola Lespier

The Goal of my Practice…
To help my students sharpen personal patience, insight, and critical thinking
skills while in motion.

My students are bright people with diverse interests, determined to fully apply their capacities to self improvement, sport, and adventure.

Learn to put aside who you think you are to find out what you can do.

The Goal for my Students…
to artfully integrate intention with body motion, and non-judgemental observation.

I focus on personalized coaching with tailored programs. This allows us time to efficiently analyze and modify your pace and style.

Non-judgemental observation is critical for robust progress.

Sessions & Packages are competitively priced. A great value for the money.

I am a 3rd generation New York Pilates Studio Classical Teacher with 20 years, and 40,000+ hrs. of experience.

Clients get specialty pricing for seasonal Seminars which cover broader topics and techniques.

